Saturday, September 12, 2009

Environmental interactions with an animal's genetic makeup influence the development of behaviors

Learning; change in behavior due to specific experiences.
*human language is learned

Habituation: type of learning that involves a loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no information; learned behavior that lets animals ignore meaningless stimuli.
ex. widespread.
Cognitive map: an internal representation , or code of the spatial relatonships among objects in an animal´s surroundings; a picture in your mind of where things are arround you.
Associative learning: animals learn that two or more events are connected or associate.

  • Classical conditioning – the pairing of a behavior with an environmental response. (Ivan Pavlov)
  • Operant Conditioning – learning by trial and error (reinforcement and punishment)

Cognition is the consciousness or awareness. Ability of an animal to perceive, store, process,use information from sensory receptors.

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